Promote Conservation

Transferring utility expenses to those who can control it is strongly endorsed by those who favor conservation of our natural resources. When residents are responsible for the utility charges they become more conscious of their utility usage, which benefits property owners and residents. Upkeep of the apartments becomes imperative so leaky faucets, running toilets and maintenance issues are addressed quickly. The following suggestions can help you save as much as 30 percent or more on your utility bill.

Helpful Conservation Tips

Electricity Conservation Tips

  • Clean or replace the air conditioning and heating systems filter before it becomes overloaded with dust or lint. Once a month is recommended. A dirty filter restricts air flow and increases energy use
  • Avoid unnecessary opening of doors and windows
  • Check weather stripping on all doors and windows to prevent air infiltration


  • In winter, a thermostat set at 68 degrees or lower during the day when the apartment is occupied is recommended. Your kilowatt-hour usage for heating increases approximately 3% for each degree of temperature setting above 68 degrees. Lower thermostat setting to 55 degrees during sleeping hours.
  • Open draperies, blinds or shades on the sunny side to let the sun help warm your apartment, and close them at night and on cloudy days to act as insulation against the cold air outside.


  • Keep the sun out by closing draperies, blinds or shades. This helps reduce the energy required to cool your apartment
  • A thermostat set at 78 degrees is recommended if the apartment is occupied
  • Your kilowatt-hour usage for cooling increases approximately 3% for each degree of temperature setting below 78 degrees

Water Conservation Tips

Bathroom Conservation

About 75 percent of the water used inside a home is used in the bathroom.  Be aware of the amount of water being used and look for ways to use less whenever possible.

  • Report all plumbing leaks
  • Check your toilet for leaks
  • Don’t use the toilet as a trash can
  • Take short showers rather than baths
  • Instead of allowing the tap water to run while brushing your teeth, just run the tap to rinse your toothbrush

Kitchen Conservation

  • Wait until you have a full load of dishes or clothes to run your automatic machines
  • Run water in the faucet only when necessary